You Are Worth It

I recently came across an incredibly powerful video that felt worth a share. The message is simple, and yet it’s one that many of us likely need to hear every once in a while. If anything, it’s a good reminder of what we should each be telling ourselves on a regular basis. Take a look!Continue reading “You Are Worth It”

Breaking the Demotivation Cycle

Ruts happen. We all know the tug that extra baggage can impose when we fail to shed the stress and negativity we pick up during our worst days. Demotivation can strip us of every bit of our momentum, even stop us in our tracks if it becomes heavy enough. Finding the inertia to continue forwardContinue reading “Breaking the Demotivation Cycle”

Embracing Imperfection

I grew up obsessed with perfection. Somehow, I’d fostered the ill-conceived belief that there was some set standard we each could achieve and indefinitely hold throughout our lives. I strove for perfect grades in school, perfect conduct at home and a perfect body, at any cost. I hadn’t yet learned that perfection is a dream—butContinue reading “Embracing Imperfection”

Reclaim Your Power

There’s a natural give and take that permeates throughout the universe, and each one of us is contributes to the effect. Every being we encounter has some pull on us, just as we contribute to the ebb and flow of others. Much of it isn’t a conscious effort, but the impacts are there either way.Continue reading “Reclaim Your Power”

The Power of Positivity

Have you ever been around someone who seems to light up every room they enter? Everyone around them brightens a little for their presence, and they’re the person to go to when you need help recovering from moments of confusion and despair. Negativity and positivity work in a perpetual tug-of-war dance that influences every oneContinue reading “The Power of Positivity”

Being True to You

We all want to do right by ourselves, but we may not reflect that desire in many of our priorities. Self-love isn’t always easy to give, especially when we let issues with relationships, work or even the state of the world interfere with our well-being. Sometimes, we must take a step back and remind ourselvesContinue reading “Being True to You”

Raise Your Vibe!

Happiness exists on a spectrum, and where we sit on it can shift and evolve over time. Some people live in constant states of negativity, caught in low-vibe ruts that can present as grumpiness, depression, anxiety and self-pity. Others seem to exude sunshine, smiling through the darkest days and endlessly seeking out the silver linings.Continue reading “Raise Your Vibe!”

How to Apply Mindfulness to Improve Your Life

Mindfulness is a way of framing our thoughts and actions in a way that allows us to live in the moment rather than worrying about past or future events. It teaches us to pay attention to our bodies and surroundings, shifting our focus from wandering thoughts to whatever tasks are at hand. Regular practice canContinue reading “How to Apply Mindfulness to Improve Your Life”

When Life Gets in the Way of… Well, Life

There are only so many hours in the day, and no matter how well we plan or organize ourselves, unexpected hurdles will eventually find a way to impede the path. We can only anticipate so much, and each of us can only pile our plates so high before the contents topple over and create aContinue reading “When Life Gets in the Way of… Well, Life”

Visions of a Better Future

Much of the world is currently at a crossroads. News has been bleak, with many media outlets focusing on tragedy and selling destructive spin. Depression and despondency seem to be spreading like plagues, while the actual pandemic has thrown a wrench in the works of countless supply and distribution channels. In the United States, manyContinue reading “Visions of a Better Future”