Level Up!

I’m sure I’m not the first person to compare life to a video game, but I think the analogy is worth the exploration. Aside from the one possible difference in how many “lives” we have to “beat” the game, the remaining aspects hold parallels that can offer some unique insights into getting through this oneContinue reading “Level Up!”

A Message Worth Sharing

I’m not one to spend much time on social media, and I typically don’t stop to watch videos and other viral clips most people share on the various platforms. There is a storm of negativity and division out there, one I have no interest in contributing to or allowing any influence over me. A lotContinue reading “A Message Worth Sharing”

Breaking the Demotivation Cycle

Ruts happen. We all know the tug that extra baggage can impose when we fail to shed the stress and negativity we pick up during our worst days. Demotivation can strip us of every bit of our momentum, even stop us in our tracks if it becomes heavy enough. Finding the inertia to continue forwardContinue reading “Breaking the Demotivation Cycle”

7 Ways to Get More Organized

Life can get hectic, so it’s easy to fall behind. Whether the house has been getting a little cluttered, work has been feeling chaotic, or meals never seem to get to the table on time, many people are struggling to keep up. I personally felt myself slip after I caught COVID-19 back in April ofContinue reading “7 Ways to Get More Organized”

Applying Radical Acceptance

I learned today that a friend and peer was recently diagnosed with cancer. My first reaction, counterproductive as it may have been, was to fight tears. Granted, there’s nothing wrong with a good cry, but there’s also a time and a place. My friend is still very much alive, and his doctor caught the illnessContinue reading “Applying Radical Acceptance”

7 Ways to Improve Your Mental Fitness

Each of us is only as sharp, productive and well-adjusted as we push ourselves to be. Because we human beings are flawed creatures, we must work toward being our very best. A big part of that work is finding balance in the emotional and physical aspects that contribute to our overall well-being. Some activities honeContinue reading “7 Ways to Improve Your Mental Fitness”

Embracing Imperfection

I grew up obsessed with perfection. Somehow, I’d fostered the ill-conceived belief that there was some set standard we each could achieve and indefinitely hold throughout our lives. I strove for perfect grades in school, perfect conduct at home and a perfect body, at any cost. I hadn’t yet learned that perfection is a dream—butContinue reading “Embracing Imperfection”

Toxic Relationship Red Flag Checklist

We may hear a lot about toxic relationships and the effects they can have on us, but many people who are in the midst of them aren’t even aware that they’ve fallen in. We can overlook the red flags, despite their broad and bright waving, for multiple reasons. When it comes to relationships, we humansContinue reading “Toxic Relationship Red Flag Checklist”

Reclaim Your Power

There’s a natural give and take that permeates throughout the universe, and each one of us is contributes to the effect. Every being we encounter has some pull on us, just as we contribute to the ebb and flow of others. Much of it isn’t a conscious effort, but the impacts are there either way.Continue reading “Reclaim Your Power”