Delving Deeper Through Fiction

Much of my work takes new approaches to old questions about the human condition. My stories reflect a dichotomy of darkness and hope, such as the world we live in, exploring good and evil through the written word.

The Divine Darkness

Alisha Brown led a mundane life until the day monsters started trying to kill her and random strangers began to shy away from her in awe.

All hell broke loose, quite literally, after Randy Thomas turned right on main for Honey’s instead of making a left for home and then murdered his beloved wife in an unusually gruesome way. Escaping police and stopping traffic in New York City with a gas-spewing tentacle erupting from his mouth, his fears are confirmed: That one small backslide would serve as the final tipping point for all mankind, inviting in a timeless destructive force that would lead him to the frontlines of the war to end all wars.

A growing population has succumbed to their worst fears, some transforming into dreaded fictional monsters—leaving the streets flooded with vampires, werewolves, spontaneously combusting humans, and other horrors—while others have become angels and demons determined to fight in the holy war they believe is upon them.

Questions soon arise as Randy’s and Alisha’s roles in this bizarre apocalypse become uncertain. One is a professed sinner, the other an asexual virgin. Each has been touched by the hand of fate, and each believes they are humanity’s last hope. But belief can be a funny thing…

The Divine Darkness is the first installment of The Divine Darkness apocalyptic horror trilogy, published by Devil Dog Press.

Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Powell’s City of Books, and your favorite online book retailer.

The Lasting Light

A dozen years have passed since the world’s collapse, leaving society even more divided than ever and the survivors fighting over resources. Monsters born from the collective fears of humanity rule abandoned cities, while remote groups struggle in small enclaves to patch together some semblance of normalcy.

John, the son of Randy Thomas, is among the few people living in privilege. His people are convinced he’s the Second Coming, and they’ve dedicated their lives to keeping him comfortable and safe. They believe the threat of the Antichrist is near, and they’re willing to raze what’s left of their country to the ground destroy the perceived evil.

Aurora, daughter of the virgin Alisha Brown, knows she’s special, even if she’s not quite sure why or how. She knows the people who look like demons have been looking for her, determined to see her dead, but she also knows looks can be deceiving. An attack sends her and her protectors fleeing toward an allied camp hundreds of miles away, but the journey is wrought with danger, and their enemy is still in pursuit.

Both children hold the very fabric of time and space in the palms of their hands. When they learn the truth behind the illusion driving the divide, the world suddenly faces an even larger threat—one that could destroy everyone.

The Lasting Light is the second book in The Divine Darkness trilogy.

Available at Amazon and other online retailers.

Available in Siren’s Call‘s Halloween 2023 issue.

“A Worthy Sacrifice” follows the selfish Halloween plans of a man intent on revenge. He’s sure he has every step in place, but but the night doesn’t go nearly as planned.

Read for free at: Spreading the Writer’s Word

In this flash-fiction piece, “An Unassuming Space,” two workers have their necks (literally) on the line over their aesthetic choices when they’ve been tasked with moving an unusual bit of cargo.